europe" /> Parking is limited and expensive. On-street parking is not allowed in many streets in the centre and on main access routes, designated as red routes (axe rouge). You are advised to park in one of the car parks in Paris.

parkeren parijs

Car parks Paris

Unlimited parking is set to car parks in the city centre. Parking rates in public car parks : € 2.50-4.00/hour, daily maximum € 15.00-48.00. Some car parks offer special rates for the weekends and long term parking.

Car parks Arrondissement Pantheon

P1 - Place Saint-Michel - Rue Hautefeuille - 75005 Paris
P2 - Soufflot - 22 Rue de Soufflot - 75005 Paris
P3 - Lagrange - 15 Rue Lagrange - 75005 Paris
P4 - Maubert Saint Germain - 37 Blvd St Germain - 75005 Paris
P5 - Patriarches - 4/6, Place Bernard - 75005 Paris
P6 - Censier Automobile - 15, Rue Censier - 75005 Paris - Panthéon

Car parks Arrondissement Luxembourg

P7 - Saint-Germain des Prés - 171, Blvd Saint-Germain - 75006
P8 - Saint-Sulpice - Place Saint-Sulpice - 75006 Paris
P9 - Ecole de Médecine - Rue de l'Ecole de Médecine - 75006 Paris
P10 - Saint Placide Rue Saint Placide 67 - 75006 Paris
P11 - Mazarine - 27, Rue Mazarine - 75006 Paris
P12 - Rennes - 155, Rue de Rennes - 75006 Paris
